Today we continue our second-part in the study of the Apostle Paul. Although he refers to himself as the “Least” of the Apostles, through his writings and missionary journeys, he made a profound impact upon Christianity.

Today we continue our second-part in the study of the Apostle Paul. Although he refers to himself as the “Least” of the Apostles, through his writings and missionary journeys, he made a profound impact upon Christianity.
From the most notorious persecutor to the most prolific proselytizer – today we begin a two-part study of the life and writings of the Apostle Paul.
On today’s program, we continue our study of important biblical characters from the Old Testament. Join Chris Katulka, Steve Herzig as they examine the life of David, a man after God’s own heart.
Today we begin a new podcast series, a series of character studies from the Old Testament. On today’s podcast, we will discuss Abraham’s life and influence. Chris Katulka and Steve Herzig, both staff members with Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry, will provide unique insights into Abraham’s life and impact, especially as it relates to the Jewish people.
The Bible is the most important book ever published and has had a profound impact on all of human history. We will discuss that global impact on today’s program.
If God is all-powerful and all-loving how does evil and suffering exist? This is the issue, the problem of evil, that we will address in today’s podcast.
On the LTW podcast, we continue our apologetic series by discussing the Historicity of the most important event of human history, the Resurrection of Christ.
Description: In this first podcast in our Apologetics series we will discuss the historicity of Jesus. What can we know about the person of Jesus Christ from Biblical and Extra-biblical sources?
Conflict resolution is essential to healthy relationships and a healthy church. Our panel of biblical counselors will provide biblical insights and practical advice of conflict resolution for the Christian today.
There is a great need in our society as a whole as well as in our Christian communities in particular to understand and implement biblical forgiveness. Our panel of Christian counselors will provide biblical insights on the issue of forgiveness for the Christian today.