Randy Patten, President of TEAM Focus Ministries, defines and describes Biblical Counseling and explains how others can get involved in this crucial ministry.
LTW58 – Understanding Judaism: Part 2 – with Tom Simcox
Professor Tom Simcox joins us again in the studio to provide additional insights into Judaism and give practical advice on how we can build bridges with Jewish people.
LTW57 – Understanding Judaism: Part 1 – with Tom Simcox
Professor Tom Simcox, Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry staff member, provides insights into Judaism and how to build bridges with Jewish people.
LTW53 – Learning to Lament: Responding Biblically in Times of Sorrow – with Dr. Matthew McAlack
Dr. Matthew McAlack, Professor at Cairn University, provides biblical teaching on how to respond in times of great sorrow.
LTW39 – God’s Plan for Human History with Dr. Richard Emmons – Part 1
In this edition of the Learn the Word podcast, Dr. Richard Emmons, Professor Emeritus of Cairn University, defines and describes Dispensationalism, as well as explains why it is the best approach to understanding God’s plan for human history.
LTW32 – Spiritual Pride (Luke 7:36-50) with Dr. Ray Pritchard
Dr. Ray Pritchard, founder and president of Keep Believing Ministries, author of more than 30 books, and adjunct professor of the Word of Life Bible Institute preaches an inspiring message entitled, “Look Who’s Coming to Dinner.”
LTW29 – Enduring Trials (James 1) with Professor Howard Hendricks
In this week’s podcast, we share from our archives a message preached by Professor Howard Hendricks, who has since been promoted to Heaven. Hendricks was a beloved professor at Dallas Theological seminary for forty years, teaching more than 10,000 students. He also taught in more than 80 countries and authored 16 books.
LTW08 – Apologetics: The Theology of Evangelism – with Dr. Tom Davis
Dr. Davis, Distinguished Professor of the Word of Life Bible Institute joins us in the studio to discuss the topic of Apologetics. What is apologetics? What are the best arguments for Christianity? How does apologetics help evangelize unbelievers and strengthen the faith of believers? In this week’s podcast, Dr. Davis will answer these questions and many more.