Dr. Ray Pritchard, founder and president of Keep Believing Ministries, author of more than 30 books, and adjunct professor of the Word of Life Bible Institute preaches an inspiring message entitled, “Look Who’s Coming to Dinner.”
LTW31 – Costly Worship (John 12) with Dr. George Murray
Join this week’s podcast as we listen in on a powerful message preached by Dr. George Murray at a Word of Life World Leaders Conference. Dr. Murray is the Chancellor of Columbia International University. The subject of his message is costly worship (John 12).
LTW30 – One Who You Do Not Know (John 1:26) with Dr. Woodrow Kroll
In this week’s Learn the Word Podcast, Dr. Woodrow Kroll, former President of Back to the Bible, radio host, and author of more than 50 books, discusses the identity and message of John the Baptist.
LTW29 – Enduring Trials (James 1) with Professor Howard Hendricks
In this week’s podcast, we share from our archives a message preached by Professor Howard Hendricks, who has since been promoted to Heaven. Hendricks was a beloved professor at Dallas Theological seminary for forty years, teaching more than 10,000 students. He also taught in more than 80 countries and authored 16 books.
LTW28 – Priceless Wisdom (Proverbs 8) with Crawford Loritts
In this summer edition of the Learn the Word Podcast, we will listen in on a message preached by Crawford Loritts entitled “Priceless Wisdom.” Loritts is a nationally known Bible speaker, author and Senior Pastor of Fellowship Bible Church in Roswell, Georgia.
LTW27 – The Offense of the Cross with Dr. Erwin Lutzer
In this week’s podcast, we will hear from Dr. Erwin Lutzer, author of more than 30 books and former pastor of the historic Moody Church in Chicago. Dr. Lutzer will explain that although we live in a “highly-offended” culture, there is an offense we must not avoid, and that is the “Offense of the Cross.”
LTW26 – Two are Better than One – with H.B. Charles (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12)
In this first of the Learn the Word Podcast summer format, we listen to a message preached by H.B. Charles at Word of Life Bible Institute’s Founder Conference. The theme of the conference was “Better Together.”
LTW25 – The Reformation: Celebrating 500 years with Dr. Ken Cleaver
Dr. Ken Cleaver, professor of Church History and Theology at Liberty University School of Divinity describes the task of a historian, the value of church history and key players in the protestant reformation.
LTW24 – Creationism: with Dr. Terry Mortenson – Part 2
Dr. Terry Mortenson, international speaker, as well as researcher and writer for Answers in Genesis, shares scientific reasons for rejecting evolution, explains why some leading evangelical scholars are open to the idea of evolutionary theory, and describes some exciting initiatives that Answers in Genesis is undertaking including exhibits at the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter.
LTW23 – Creationism: with Dr. Terry Mortenson – Part 1
Dr. Terry Mortenson, international speaker, as well as researcher and writer for Answers in Genesis, joins us in the studio to define and describe young and old earth creationism and explain why the issue of creation, evolution and the age of the earth are so important.
LTW22 – The Uniqueness of Christian Scripture – with Davis, Strout, Wicks, and Weaver
Four professors of the Word of Life Bible Institute discuss the uniqueness of Scripture, answering the question, what makes the Christian Bible unique from all other religious writings?
LTW20 – Daniel – Part 2: The 70th Week of Daniel – with Jonathan Phillips and Paul Weaver
In this second part, of this two-part series on the book of Daniel, Jonathan Philips continues as the podcast host and Paul Weaver is the “guest” scholar. Dr. Weaver describes the events of Daniel 9 including the future time period known as the tribulation, the pouring out of God’s wrath on the world.
LTW19 – Daniel – Part 1: The Sovereignty of God with Jonathan Phillips and Paul Weaver
In this special edition of Learn the Word Podcast Jonathan Phillips serves as the podcast host and Paul Weaver is the “guest” scholar. Dr. Weaver describes apocalyptic literature, discusses the key themes in the book of Daniel and recounts the episode of the handwriting on the wall.
LTW17 – Unveiling Islam: A conversation with Dr. Emir Caner – Part 1
Dr. Emir Caner, President of Truett-McConnell University, author of Unveiling Islam, and expert on Islam describes the life of Muhammed and the history of Islam.
LTW16 – Galatians: Getting the Gospel Right – with Dr. Ray Pritchard
Dr. Ray Pritchard, President of Keep Believing Ministries joins this edition of the Learn the Word Podcast to discuss the book of Galatians. He explains the historical context in which Paul writes this epistle, he explains who the Judaizers were, what they taught, and explains the importance of getting the Gospel right.
LTW15 – 2 Timothy: The Apostle’s Parting Words – with Pastor Phil Moser
In this week’s podcast we sit down with Pastor Phil Moser to discuss the Apostle Paul’s last instructions to Timothy. We discuss interpretive issues in 2 Timothy such as, what it means that “all who desire to live godly lives will be persecuted,” how we should understand “the last days,” and what Paul means that he is being “poured out …
LTW14 – Genesis: In the Beginning – with Mark Strout – Part 2
For this second of a two-part conversation on the book of Genesis, we continue a discussion with Mark Strout, Executive Dean of the Word of Life Global Bible Institute. We will answer important questions like: what does it means to be created in the image of God, and what was God’s purpose for humanity?
LTW13 – Genesis: In the Beginning – with Mark Strout – Part 1
Mark Strout, Executive Dean of the Word of Life Global Bible Institute, joins us for this first of a two-part series on the book of Genesis. We will discuss why the book of Genesis is so foundational to all of Scripture, why a literal 6 day creation is important to maintain, and how your literal interpretation of Genesis 1 and …
LTW10 – Hebrews: The Superior Mediator, Jesus Christ – with Professor David Payne
Professor Payne, a Professor at Trinity College of Florida joins our podcast to discuss the remarkable book of Hebrews. He will explain the highly debated “warning passages,” explain the significance of Jesus Christ as our High Priest, and help us better understand the mysterious character known as Melchizedek.