LTW24 – Creationism: with Dr. Terry Mortenson – Part 2

Dr. Terry Mortenson, international speaker, as well as researcher and writer for Answers in Genesis, shares scientific reasons for rejecting evolution, explains why some leading evangelical scholars are open to the idea of evolutionary theory, and describes some exciting initiatives that Answers in Genesis is undertaking including exhibits at the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter.

LTW15 – 2 Timothy: The Apostle’s Parting Words – with Pastor Phil Moser

In this week’s podcast we sit down with Pastor Phil Moser to discuss the Apostle Paul’s last instructions to Timothy. We discuss interpretive issues in 2 Timothy such as, what it means that “all who desire to live godly lives will be persecuted,” how we should understand “the last days,” and what Paul means that he is being “poured out …

LTW10 – Hebrews: The Superior Mediator, Jesus Christ – with Professor David Payne

Professor Payne, a Professor at Trinity College of Florida joins our podcast to discuss the remarkable book of Hebrews. He will explain the highly debated “warning passages,” explain the significance of Jesus Christ as our High Priest, and help us better understand the mysterious character known as Melchizedek.