In this edition of the Learn the Word Podcast, Dr. Payne explains the benediction of Hebrews (Heb. 13:20-21) and the Apostle Paul’s reference to being poured out like a drink offering (Phil. 2:17).
LTW53 – Learning to Lament: Responding Biblically in Times of Sorrow – with Dr. Matthew McAlack
Dr. Matthew McAlack, Professor at Cairn University, provides biblical teaching on how to respond in times of great sorrow.
LTW52 – The Ugandan Church: Challenges and Opportunities – with David Kirabira and Moses Mallombe
In this podcast, recorded from Uganda, we discuss the significant challenges facing the churches of Uganda (charismatic movement, abuse of power, lack of theological education), and the great opportunities WOL Uganda and WOL Africa Bible Institute have to meet these challenges.
LTW51 – The Persecuted Church of Yesterday and Today – Part 2: with Géza Kovács, Paul Bubar, and Kris Stout
In this Podcast we learn about the persecuted church in Hungary prior to the collapse of the Soviet Union, the early days of WOL ministering in Hungary, and the persecution of Christians taking place around the world yet today.
LTW50 – The Persecuted Church of Yesterday and Today – Part 1: The Story of Pastor Jozef Abrman
Pastor Abrman shares his personal and captivating account of persecution during the former Soviet Union, defection to the United Sates, and after the collapse of communism, his return to the Slovakia as a missionary to his own people.
LTW48 – Micah 5:2: The Birthplace of the Messiah – with Chris Katulka
Chris Katulka, Friends of Israel staff member, writer, and Radio Host, explains how in one verse Micah predicts that the Messiah will be humble, human, royal, and divine.
LTW47 – Understanding Buddhism with Dr. James Bjornstad
Dr. Bjornstad, joins us again this week to discusses the religion of Budhism and provides insights in reaching a Buddhist with the Gospel of Christ.
LTW46 – Understanding Hinduism – with Dr. James Bjornstad
Dr. Bjornstad, respected authority on world religions, discusses the religion of Hinduism and provides insights in reaching a Hindu person with the Gospel of Christ.
LTW45 – The “Super Apostles” and the “Signs of an Apostle” with Dr. Jeremy Kimble
In this episode, Dr. Jeremy Kimble, explains passages found in 2 Corinthians and answers tough questions such as, what are the “signs of an apostle,” and who are these, “super apostles?”
LTW44 – The Book of Revelation – Part 2: The Millennium with Dr. John Barnett
In this second podcast on the book of Revelation, Dr. John Barnett, President of Discover the Book Ministries, describes the glorious time known as the millennium, when Jesus Christ will rule on earth from Jerusalem for 1,000 years.
LTW43 – The Book of Revelation – with Dr. John Barnett – Part 1: The Tribulation Period
In the first of a two-part podcast on the book of Revelation, Dr. John Barnett explains what the tribulation period will it be like. Additionally he answers questions like, will the church go through the tribulation? What will be the role of the two witnesses? What is the abominable act performed by the anti-Christ?
LTW42 – Christian Cults – Part 2: Jehovah’s Witnesses
Dr. James Bjornstad respected authority on the Cults and World Religions, returns to the Learn the Word podcast to help our listeners understand the history and doctrine of Jehovah’s Witnesses, as well as how to reach the JW’s with the Gospel of Christ.
LTW41 – Christian Cults – Part 1: Mormonism
Dr. James Bjornstad, college professor and respected authority on the Cults and World Religions helps our listeners understand the history and doctrine of Mormonism, as well as how to reach Mormons with the Gospel of Christ.
LTW40 – Critiquing Covenant Theology: God’s Plan for Human History with Dr. Richard Emmons – Part 2
Dr. Richard Emmons, Professor Emeritus of Cairn University, defines and describes Covenant Theology, as well as explains why this system does not satisfactorily explain God’s plan for human history.
LTW39 – God’s Plan for Human History with Dr. Richard Emmons – Part 1
In this edition of the Learn the Word podcast, Dr. Richard Emmons, Professor Emeritus of Cairn University, defines and describes Dispensationalism, as well as explains why it is the best approach to understanding God’s plan for human history.
LTW38 – Walk Thru the Bible with Phil Tuttle
Phil Tuttle, President of Walk Thru the Bible, shares how understanding the big picture of the Old and New Testaments can ignite people’s passion for God’s Word.
LTW37 – Citizenship and Culture with – John Stonestreet
John Stonestreet, President of the Colson Center for Christian Worldview joins this week’s podcast to discuss issues of civil disobedience, culture, gender identity and much more.
LTW35 – Living Out of the Overflow with Dr. Richard Blackaby
In this week’s podcast, we will listen to a message by Dr. Richard Blackaby, Chancellor of the Canadian Southern Baptist Seminary and co-author of Experiencing God. The message is entitled “Living Out of the Overflow.”
LTW34 – Four Kinds of People with Dr. Stanley Toussaint
From Word of Life archives, we listen in on a message preached by Dr. Stanley Toussaint entitled “Four Kinds of People.” Dr. Toussaint was the Senior Professor of Bible Exposition at Dallas Theological Seminar prior to his promotion to heaven on September 5th, 2017.
LTW33 – “Getting a Handle on the Book of Revelation” with Dr. Charles Ryrie
In this week’s Learn the Word podcast we pull from our audio archives to share a lecture taught by well-known author, scholar, theologian, and professor, Dr. Charles Ryrie entitled, “How to Get a Handle on the Book of Revelation.”