Dr. Nicolas Ellen provides insights into the place for and value of Biblical Counseling. He also provides encouragement to and resources for married couples. Joshua Ely, Dean of Students of the Word of Life Bible Institute is the guest host.
LTW72 – Christian Forgiveness with Dr. Steve Viars
Dr. Viars, Pastor of Faith Church, and a Christian counselor for 30+ years provides biblical principles relating to Christian forgiveness.
LTW71 – Community Engagement: Loving and Reaching Your Community with Dr. Steve Viars
In this podcast, Dr. Viars, Pastor of Faith Church in Lafayette, IN, provides biblical principles, specific examples, and practical advice on how to love your community and reach them with the Gospel of Christ.
LTW59 – Biblical Counseling: What is it? Why is it important? – with Randy Patten
Randy Patten, President of TEAM Focus Ministries, defines and describes Biblical Counseling and explains how others can get involved in this crucial ministry.