In this, our third and final Podcast on the Theocratic Kingdom, my guests will answer the question, is God done with Israel (Romans 11). They will also discuss what Acts 1 and Revelation 20 have to say about the Kingdom. We will conclude with each sharing why they believe that the Kingdom is an important theme to understand and teach …
LTW 188 – The Theocratic Kingdom: Thy Kingdom Come! – Part 2 -with Dr. Altizer, Dr. Bookman, Dr. Cone, Prof. Katulka, and Dr. Stallard
Today, we continue our three-part series on the Theocratic Kingdom. This series will define and describe the theocratic kingdom and discuss its significance in God’s plan for human history. We will investigate some of the most significant Scripture passages on this central theme, starting in the very first chapter of Genesis through Revelation 20.
LTW 187 – The Theocratic Kingdom: Thy Kingdom Come! – Part 1 -with Dr. Altizer, Dr. Bookman, Dr. Cone, Prof. Katulka, and Dr. Stallard
Today, we begin a three-part series on the Theocratic Kingdom. This series will define and describe the theocratic kingdom and discuss its significance in God’s plan for human history. We will investigate some of the most significant Scripture passages on this central theme, starting in the very first chapter of Genesis through Revelation 20.
LTW 186 – Hermeneutics: What is it? Why is it Important? – Part 2 -with Dr. Altizer, Dr. Cone, Prof. Katulka, and Dr. Stallard
In this second of a two-part podcast series on Hermeneutics, our prestigious guests discuss important principles of the Historical, Grammatical, Literal approach, including the analogy of Scripture, single meaning, and the perspicuity of Scripture. They also critique other competing hermeneutical methods.
LTW 185 – Hermeneutics: What is it? Why is it Important? – Part 1 -with Dr. Altizer, Dr. Cone, Prof. Katulka, and Dr. Stallard
In this first of a two-part podcast series, we discuss what Hermeneutics is, why it is important, and explain why the Historical, Grammatical, Literal approach is the best method of interpretation.