Comments 10

    1. Correcting my former post. The plural of brother is brothers. The plural of sister is sisters. However, the word brethren can be used indistinctly to mean Christian brothers or sisters. It’s used only in the Bible.

  1. Dear Dr. Constable,

    I am so grateful to God you decided to stay at Wheaton to study the Bible. Your commentaries
    have been a tremendous blessing to me! May the Lord continue to bless you and your work

  2. Dear Dr. Constable,

    I was in your BE classes while attending DTS (Th.M ’96). You memorized your students’ names. I still remember your kindness and love. I have been blessed with your commentary and even used the book of Acts when I taught it in China. Thank you for your faithful service to the Lord.

    Blessing and love,
    Young Lee

  3. I relied on your excellent expository commentary in my 5-year chronological study of the Bible with my besties (church ladies), which culminated on a trip to Israel in 2018… His-story came to life and continues to excite me for His Return. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and hard work.
    I’ve continue to share your notes/website with many people, who love to dig a little (or a lot) deeper into God’s word.

  4. Dr, Constable,
    We never met and I never heard of you before, but I have greatly benefited from your archive of notes and commentaries here. I lead several different Bible Studies doing ministry in the urban inner city. The background information and various different perspectives that you provide are such a wonderful launching point for our members to reach “new heights of glory!” Thank you for your faithful adherence to the fundamental truths of Scriptures. We’re being bombarded by false teachers professing to be followers of Christ but really undermining His Sovereignty, Divinity, and Validity. We appreciate you and hope our roads might cross paths someday. May the Lord continue to bear much fruit through your investment in these records for our learning.

  5. Dr. Thomas Constable, I have been blessed by your teaching over the years, as a student of your notes. My brother introduced me to your notes. I am so grateful. May the Lord bless you always. I appreciate your ministry.

  6. Dr Constable,
    While studying 1 Kings chapter 19 using your commentary I noticed one of your references on chapter 19:20 was
    Auld pg 128.
    From which article did that reference come?
    I’m always interested in any of my ancestors and would like to know more about this particular note,
    Thank you
    WB Auld
    Columbia, SC

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